Enable Tab Muting for Google Chrome

When sitting in the cubicle today looking for a good way to script a rather monotonous task, I was presented with a lovely melody springing from my laptop speakers. "Greetings!" it chimed in rather overzealously for a Monday. "you may already be a winner of $100,000 dollars." As I scrambled to stop the traitorous noise I realized I had no way of knowing which tab it was coming from. Quickly I shut down Internet Explorer completely and slunk down in my desk hoping no one would peep over my cubicle wall to give me the evil eye. My next course of action was to go against office best practices and install my go to browser, Google Chrome.


Google Chrome has already implemented a function that will spare me this embarrassment in the future. At the top of each tab, if music is currently playing from it, there will be a speaker icon displayed, like what is shown on the Spotify web player shown below:

The coolest bit about this, however, is what I have found out just recently. Instead of being forced to close down an offending tab, in order to quickly eliminate its sound, you are now able to mute it directly from the aforementioned speaker icon! To set this feature up first open up your installation of Google Chrome through the Chrome Icon.  

In the browser bar, located to the right of the icon that looks like a house, past or type in chrome://flags/#enable-tab-audio-muting and hit enter.

Click the blue link underneath "Enable tab audio muting UI control. Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS". Until it displays Disable.

Now all you have to do is close your Google Chrome browser and reopen it to enable the feature. After the feature is enabled you can click on the sound icon on the tab to disable any music springing from the offending page! 

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