How to correct a missing optical drive in Windows Explorer

Being the type of person who constantly likes to install, uninstall and otherwise mess with my computers basic functionality I run across a ton of really awesome issues. One such issue occurred a few months ago when i lost my optical drive. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, most everything I own is in the cloud, but I was burning music from my last few remaining CDs and felt like this might be an issue for me. (NOTE: one of the reasons this probably occured was due to the installation and uninstallation of CD burner software - ed.). So I went digging and found a fix for my most recent of problems:

First, open Regedit by going to search in windows 7 and typing in regedit. 

Browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

Delete Upper Filters key if it exists

Delete Lower Filters key if it exists

Save and close registry editor

Reboot Computer

As if by magic your optical drive should have reappeared! Have fun ignoring the drive for the next 6 months and having to run this repair the next time you need to use it and find it missing. 
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